The 7mm REM Boresight Arbor is a Shell that fits the 223/556 Green Laser Boresight. Once you insert the Green 223/556 laser boresight into the arbor then insert the shell into your chamber. It will project a green beam showing your point of impact. Do this at 30 yards and sight in the riflescope, red dot or laser you are wishing to sight in. Adjust your windage and elevation until the point of impact meets the zero of your riflescope, red dot or laser. When you take a shot at 100 yards or further distance you will be within a few inches of the target. This will get you accurate but may take slight tweaks with live ammunition to get a perfect zero due to different barrel lengths, ammunition and weapons.
The 7mm REM Arbor shell requires the 223/556 green laser boresight. It will also chamber into the following calibers